The Complete Net book of Kenders

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Kenders are most commonly confused with very young elves, mostly because of their size, and also because of their finely chiseled features. There is one thing about them nobody can miss. The topknot. The hair on their head is kept in a fashion that looks like a ponytail, only it is on top of their head. They seldom become much more than four feet tall, and weigh around 70-100 lbs. They wear the strangest clothes they can find, and prefer to have numerous (somehow full) pouches. Their weapon of choice is a hookpack. It is about 5 ft. tall and looks like a small quarterstaff, only the end has a three-point hook, curving toward the bottom of the staff. They usually carry a knife, dagger, or dirk, just incase. They will rarely (if ever) use any other weapon. If you ever see a Kender with a two-handed sword, pay special attention to what he says, because he is important! Their hair is usually a brownish color, with green or brown eyes. Their hands are very small, as are their feet. It is hard to distinguish male from female, as they are so finely chiseled. The "true" Kender can only be separated by their voices, which are hard to tell with human ears. The "afflicted" Kenders can be told apart by one facial feature: the cheekbones. On females, the cheekbone starts aligned at the halfway height of the nose, and for males at the bottom of the nose. Their ears are pointed, and they have small noses. That is what a kinder looks like...
Table 1
Height: 3'- 4' 6"
Weight: 80 lbs. to 110 lbs
Hair: Blonde Brown or Red
Eyes: Blue Green or Brown
Age: 100 + 1d100 years
Max age: 10d100 +1d20
Napsal Dalcor 08.05.2007
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