Často kladené otázky (FAQ)

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VII: Bratrstvo stínů

1. Co je to Bratrstvo stínů?
2. Kdo jsou tvůrci Bratrstva stínů?
3. S kým Bratrstvo stínů spolurpacuje?
4. Co je v plánu do budoucna?

1. Co je to Bratrstvo stínů?

We, the Fraternity of Shadows took our name from a (cool) secret society of evil Ravenloft scholars. Our group, fictitiously set in the domain of Richemulot, is composed of persons previously from two different netbook editing team (the Undead Sea Scrolls and Quoth the Raven). The two teams decided to join their efforts just days prior to Halloween 2003. When the Malodorous Goat was absorbed by the mists on Halloween 2003, our team naturally decided to fill the e-void and build a new Ravenloft web site, www.FraternityOfShadows.com.
Today, the Fraternity of Shadows numbers six (five and a half really) who are: Eddie Brennan (aka Wiccy), Dion Fernandez (of Midway Haven), Joël Paquin (aka Gotten on the WotC board), Stephen Sutton (aka ScS) and Jason True (aka Javier). We are currently interning David Gibson (aka Jester) and forcing him to make coffee on a regular basis. Members that left the Fraternity for other futile tasks are: Luiz Eduardo Perret (Lord Arijani) and Nathan Okerlund (Dmitri Stanislaus).
The Fraternity is also currently assisted by a refugee from the Gothic Earth named Drusilla as well as the incomparable Socko, whom of course needs no introduction. The FoS covers many countries around the world, so we are pleased to announce that the darkness never sets on the FoS empire? To learn more about the Fraternity refer to Quoth the Raven #X (see the library section of this site or click here which includes game information for the Fraternity and its members.

2. Kdo jsou tvůrci Bratrstva stínů?

The ?canon? secret society devoted to the acquisition of knowledge regarding the Dread Reams. The FoS is detailed in: Domains of Dread, VanRichten?s Arsenal and Ravenloft Gazetteer II. Also, you can find more on the Fraternity of Shadows secret society by reading Nathan's Okerlund article "Scholars of darkness" in the USS 2002 as well as Quoth the Raven #X (see the library section of this site or click here.

3. S kým Bratrstvo stínů spolurpacuje?

A little history of these netbooks:
The Undead Sea Scrolls (USS) netbook was founded to be a refuge for lost Ravenloft articles in 2001. It was first founded by Joël Paquin, but quickly Nathan joined him on that task.
In 2002, the Kargatane abandoned their BoS_ series of netbooks, making the USS the closest thing to the Book of Storms (the last, unpublished book of S_). It was then that other people joined in (Dion, Eddy and Luiz) and that we chose the FoS as our name for our group.
End of 2002, Quoth the Raven (QtR) netbook released its first issue. The editing team of this netbook was Stephen and Jason.
In 2003, Luiz departed the USS and Stephen joined the USS team. October 2003, the two netbook merged to become one team of six persons, working for a better co-ordination of fan work publishing. Just days after this merge, the Kargatane closed their tavern doors. Coincidence?

4. Co je v plánu do budoucna?

ur netbook activities, as long as things go as planned, continued with Quoth the Raven being a trimestrial publication. As soon as submissions guidelines for 2005 will be ready, we will let you know!
< VII: Bratrstvo stínů >
VI. Ravenloft na netu
Napsal Vannax 06.01.2007
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