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III. Maškaráda rudé smrti

1. Co je to Maškaráda Rudé smrti (Masque of the Red Death)?
2. Co je to Rudá smrt? Jedná se o temnou sílu?
3. Kde jsou pravidla o Záhadách při studiu novýchdomén?
4. Co je to Maškaráda Nefritového draka?

1. Co je to Maškaráda Rudé smrti (Masque of the Red Death)?

Masque of the Red Death (MotRD) is a variant on the standard RAVENLOFT campaign. It is set on an alternate version of our Earth where a supernatural force (the Red Death) has insinuated itself, causing everything that is merely superstition on our world to become real. The campaign is set in the 1890s and so it is much more modern than the standard RAVENLOFT setting. To account for this, MotRD uses a variation on the standard AD&D/d20 rules. Firearms are introduced, magic becomes much rarer, and the basic character classes are changed to reflect the different social make-up of this time period. There are also few -if any- demihumans present in the Gothic Earth. It was originally released as a Boxed set in 1994 with two follow-up accessories. It has since been updated to d20 with the release of a hardcover rulebook.

2. Co je to Rudá smrt? Jedná se o temnou sílu?

The Red Death is a powerful bodiless entity that was pulled or banished from another world by the mad-mage Imhotep in his quest for immortality. The entity bonded itself with the magic of the world corrupting this. That is all that is known, save for the fact that the Vistani followed the Red Death through the opened portal. This could mean Imhotep opened a two-way gate into the Land of the Mists. Or it could be the world the Vistani originated from. It could mean the Red Death is a Dark Power or it could be something else entirely. What? Were you expecting easy answers? Let?s just say it?s a strong possibility and leave it at that. The undefined nature of the Dark Powers (Are they good? Are they evil?) makes it impossible to say for sure.

3. Kde jsou pravidla o Záhadách při studiu nových domén?

The rules for gaining domains were accidentally omitted from the book. A Mystic and all the sub-classes can either learn a new domain or master one the currently posses at each level. The Message Boards member ?Igor the Henchman? coined the term ?domain slots? to describe the acquisition of new domains. One slot is gained at each level starting at level one; a single slot grants minor access to a domain and a second slot permits major access.
Additionally each Mystic class gains a free minor access to a bonus domain. These bonus domains bend the normal rules restricting when they can be improved and major access can be gained after first level (or presumably whenever major access is wanted for this domain). When a new level is gained you either chose to get a new domain or expand on a domain you already have (ie: gain major access). At early levels, when you gain domains you only have two or three spells so gaining major access to a domain gets you nothing, not until higher levels anyway. So instead of gaining a whole new spell from a new domain every level you gain a new spell every second.

4. Co je to Maškaráda Nefritového draka?

Napsal Vannax 06.01.2007
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