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IV: Pravidla a vedení hry

1. Jak často bych měl používat ověřování strachu nebo děsu?
2. Jaký je rozdíl mezi strachem a děsem?
3. Jsou paladini imunní vůči ověřování strachu? A jak je to u děsu?
4. Kde najdu pravidla pro hráčské postavy upírů?
5. Kde najdu pravidla pro hráčské postavy lykantropů?
6. Měl bych do Ravenloftu brát postavy na hodně vysokých úrovních nebo postavy z prostředí DarkSun nebo Planescape?
7. Jak funguje překrucování reality?
8. Nemám v oblibě vysávání úrovní podle pravidel 2. edice. Dá se to nějak nahradit?
9. Kde jsou prestižní povolání pro Ravenloft?
10. Kde se nachází pravidla pro Psioniky?
11. Kde jsou údaje o temných vládcích?

1. Jak často bych měl používat ověřování strachu nebo děsu?

As often as you need to.
Both fear and horror saves are provided as an aid to role-playing, not a replacement. If you think your players are responding appropriately to a horrific situation then do not ask them to make saves. If they are not responding then use the saves more liberally. Fear saves and their like were called Fear checks in second edition. The term was changed to reflect d20's new terminology.

2. Jaký je rozdíl mezi strachem a děsem?

Fear is the simpler of the two being a response to a direct threat, when one?s life is at stake. Horror is much more subtle and varied. Threats to others such as loved ones are horrifying as is anything that upsets someone?s worldview or beliefs; the realisation that something is wrong -insidiously wrong- is terrifying without being actually frightening. Generally speaking, anything that prompts concern or fear without involving a direct physical threat to the character is grounds for being horrified.

3. Jsou paladini imunní vůči ověřování strachu? A jak je to u děsu?

No. Paladins are immune to magical fear but are still required to make fear checks. See the Ravenloft Player?s Handbook for more information. Horror, as stated above, is different from fear and no one is immune to that.

4. Kde najdu pravidla pro hráčské postavy upírů?

Rules for playing vampires (and, indeed, all types of undead creatures) in 2nd Edition AD&D are contained in Requiem: The Grim Harvest (the final part of the Grim Harvest series). In Third Edition the Level Adjustment system or Savage Species book will suffice.

5. Kde najdu pravidla pro hráčské postavy lykantropů?

For Third Edition use the Level Adjustment system of consult the book Savage Species published by WotC. John W Mangrum has written a comprehensive set of rules for playing lycanthropic PCs in 2nd Edition D&D. These are available in the Book of Souls, the first Ravenloft Netbook at the Secrets of the Kargatane website here. (odkaz)
An approved expansion to these rules, written by Andrew Wyatt, can be found at The Lonesome Road. (odkaz!!!)

6. Měl bych do Ravenloftu brát postavy na hodně vysokých úrovních nebo postavy z prostředí DarkSun nebo Planescape?

A matter of taste, obviously, but we advise against it. Keep in mind that the aim of RAVENLOFT is to instil fear in the player characters and that many darklords and foes would be easily defeated by epic characters. PLANESCAPEŹ characters come from a place where fiends are met in the local bar, half-fiends (tieflings) are likely to be counted among your friends, and you are only a portal away are planes where the unending Blood War has seen countless people slaughtered. A single werewolf terrorising a village is unlikely to raise an eyebrow (though swords may raise with speed). To paraphrase the old song, "Once they've seen Sigil, how are you gonna keep them down on the farm?"
DARK SUNŹ characters might be scared enough, but the European-style setting is fairly inappropriate for them (apart from Kalidnay, the DARK SUN inspired domain in Ravenloft. And that domain is considered lost in the Mists and likely will not be detailed in third edition). Ravenloft natives would probably react badly to people as alien-looking as DARK SUN characters, too (especially if the party is comprised of thri-kreen and half-giants!).

7. Jak funguje překrucování reality?

ithout confusion (as long as the lord permits them). On this often misunderstood ability, we will let Azalin from the lost ?Ask Azalin? forum make his summary for us:
?An outsider receives a reality wrinkle if it has either the Good or the Evil descriptor and it does not have the Mists descriptor. An outsider loses its reality wrinkle if it "maxes out" its Corruption points (22+) or binds itself to a mortal (as in the case of outsider familiars). Once an outsider loses its reality wrinkle, it can fail powers checks and even become a darklord just like anyone else. (Mists outsiders are an exception; they never make powers check because they are simply a malign extension of Ravenloft's planar fabric.)
A mortal who uses magic or special abilities (aka, "mortal magic") to temporarily change his creature type to "outsider" does not gain a reality wrinkle. A mortal who permanently becomes an outsider as a class ability (such as a 20th-level monk) is considered to have "ascended" to true outsider status. Such a character gains any applicable alignment descriptors (Chaotic, Evil, Good, Lawful) and, if the ascended outsider gains either the Good or Evil descriptors, then the character does gain a reality wrinkle, just like a monk. The character is considered an outsider in all ways.
Evil outsiders (fiends) can perform power rituals and thus gain land-based powers. Good outsiders (celestials) can also perform power rituals, but they cannot gain land-based powers; all they accomplish is to reduce the size of their reality wrinkle. And yes, in the previous two paragraphs I am referring specifically to the alignment descriptors.?

8. Nemám v oblibě vysávání úrovní podle pravidel 2. edice. Dá se to nějak nahradit?

This has been frequently discussed on the Ravenloft Mailing List, with little in the way of conclusions being drawn. Some of the main points to consider include:
  • Many like to replace level draining with temporary draining of Ability Stats (STR, WIS, etc.).
  • Some like to offer a saving throw for level drains.
  • If you do decide to remove level draining from monsters, do not forget to also reduce their XP value.
  • Players should be scared of vampires and spectres. Removing level draining could reduce their "fear" factor.
  • An article "Spirit Points" in the Book of Sorrows (www.kargatane.com) details another potential alternative to level draining.
  • Ultimately, the decision is the DM's, and should be made to suit each individual campaign.

9. Kde jsou prestižní povolání pro Ravenloft?

There were no Prestige Classes included in the Ravenloft Campaign Setting, although when this was reprinted as the Ravenloft Player?s Handbook the Monster Hunter PrC was updated from Secrets of the Dread Realms. Prestige Classes can be found in VanRichten?s Arsenal, Champions of Darkness, and Heroes of Light. Other PrC can be found in most of the Ravenloft Gazetteers. Classes specifically for select bloodlines can be found in Legacy of the Blood. For a complete list of PrC click here. (link: http://www.fraternityofshadows.com/Wine_Cellar/listofRLPrC.xls)

10. Kde se nachází pravidla pro Psioniky?

The modified rules for Psionics can be found in the Ravenloft Dungeon Master?s Guide. These are not complete ability by ability changes but instead rough guidelines on how the powers are affected. It should be noted that these changes were made before the publication of the Revised Psionics Handbook and may not be entirely accurate.

11. Kde jsou údaje o temných vládcích?

If you have bought the Third Edition Campaign Setting or Ravenloft Player?s Handbook you may be surprised with the lack of NPCs including all the darklords. It was decided these were for Dungeon Master eyes only and moved elsewhere. The early drafts of 3.0 versions of the statistics along with short descriptions can be found in the accessory Secrets of the Dread Realm bundled along with the DM?s Screen. Updated stats can be found in the appropriate Ravenloft Gazetteers. Gazetteer statistics supersede those found in Secrets of the Dread Realm. The early Gazetteers (I-III) were also produced prior to 3.5 Edition and may require some minor updating.
< IV. Pravidla a vedení hry >
III. Maškaráda rudé smrti V. Literatura na Netu
Napsal Vannax 06.01.2007
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