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V: Literatura k Ravenloftu

1. Kde najdu seznamtoho co má k Ravenloftu vyjít?
2. Vyjdou ještě nějaké romány k Ravenloftu?
3. Které produkty jsou brány jako nekánonické?
4. Spousta produktů k Ravenloftu již nevychází.Kde tato starší vydání najdu?
5. Která dobrodružství jsou dobrá pro postavy nanízkých úrovních?
6. Vyjde někdy nějaké dobrodružství, které budešité na míru pravidlům 3. edice?
7. Jaký je rozdíl mezi Ravenloft Campaign Setting (Ravenloft: Herní prostředí) a Ravenloft Player's Handbook (Ravenloft: Příručka pro hráče)

1. Kde najdu seznamtoho co má k Ravenloftu vyjít?

Future products to be released by Arthaus under license from Wizards of the Coast will be listed on our reviews page on this site or as a sticky atop the General Forum at the Message Board as soon as we hear from them. White Wolf/Arthaus have said they intend to release around about 5 products per year for Ravenloft.

2. Vyjdou ještě nějaké romány k Ravenloftu?

No. The most recent Ravenloft novel is Spectre of the Black Rose. Beyond that, Wizards of the Coast has no intention of releasing any Ravenloft novels in the foreseeable future. From what little we know of it, the licensing deal with Arthaus does not include the possibility of releasing novels.

3. Které produkty jsou brány jako nekánonické?

The fact that Ravenloft products have been written by many authors over many years means that occasionally a product will contain irreconcilable conflicts with other material. TSR has ruled some products "non-canonical" - that is, they are not part of the official Ravenloft timeline. To date, the products that have been ruled non-canonical are:
  • The Enemy Within
  • Lord of the Necropolis
  • The Desmond LaRouche entry in the Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium Appendix II
And yes, both Spectre of the Black Rose and Champions of Darkness are canon. However, many fans choose to ignore large sections of those books for example keeping Soth in Ravenloft.

4. Spousta produktů k Ravenloftu již nevychází.Kde tato starší vydání najdu?

Out of print material can sometimes be found on eBay, you can start there if you look for a paper copy. Most (if not all) old out-of-print Ravenloft products are available for purchase online as downloadable PDFs at SVGames. For a list of Ravenloft products available, see: http://www.svgames.com/downloads-wotc-adndraven.html.

5. Která dobrodružství jsou dobrá pro postavy nanízkých úrovních?

There are several low-level adventures available for Ravenloft, including The Created, Neither Man Nor Beast, and Night of the Walking Dead. In addition, a few good low-level adventures are available for free in the Kargatane netbook The Forgotten Children (www.kargatane.com), such as the adventures for Dunkel Kralle and Barton DeForet.

6. Vyjde někdy nějaké dobrodružství, které budešité na míru pravidlům 3. edice?

Arthaus does not currently intend to release any adventures for Ravenloft under 3rd Edition rules.
Adventures rarely turn a profit as only one person per role-playing group buys an adventure opposed to core books and accessories that may be bought by two or three. Instead, their focus will be on player and DM supplements. However, these books often have many adventure hooks and Dread Possibilities that may be spun off into adventures.
However, the book Dark Tales & Disturbing Legends offers tales that could be used as adventures while giving advice on crafting the same.

7. Jaký je rozdíl mezi Ravenloft Campaign Setting (Ravenloft: Herní prostředí) a Ravenloft Player's Handbook (Ravenloft: Příručka pro hráče)

Due to the licensing agreement between Wizards of the Coast and ArtHaus when WotC upgraded to 3.5 ArtHaus was obliged to reprint their Core Books such as the Campaign Setting and the monster supplement. These were done hastily by only the developers of the line at the time.
The RL: PHB had a new Prestige Class added (the Monster Hunter, which was updated from the 3.0E Witch Hunter from Secrets of the Dread Realms where accidentally only half of its information was published), updated monster information, the new Magic Rating rules and additional class weaknesses.
Unfortunately, the new optional rules for Class Weaknesses were not well received and generally considered badly conceived at best and a mistake. Thus, by extension, the book has been reviled and disliked despite otherwise being 98.4% identical to the Ravenloft Campaign Setting. Most people recommend new players to buy whichever they can get cheaper.
Denizens of Darkness and DoDread are similar to the above with the later being the update. It contains a few pages of previously released material (a Web Enhancement) and just updates the monsters. However, the first version of the book was considered to be a bad update of 2nd Edition monsters and a mix-mash of the two rule systems while the new update was equally hastily done and did not fully complete many monsters leaving it unfinished in places.
Napsal Vannax 06.01.2007
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