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VI: Ravenloft na netu

1. Mají Wizards of the Coast oficiální webovéstránky?
2. Mají oficiální stránky Arthaus / Swords and Sorcery?
3. Existuje Mailing List k Ravenloftu?
4. Jak Ravenloft zapadá do Open Gaming License (OGL)?

1. Mají Wizards of the Coast oficiální webovéstránky?

Wizards of the Coast has an official website at http://www.wizards.com/dnd/.
They still have a Message Board devoted to Ravenloft here.

2. Mají oficiální stránky Arthaus / Swords and Sorcery?

Arthaus? website is www.arthausgames.com.
Swords and Sorcery can be found online at www.swordsorcery.com
Both sites? Ravenloft page can be found at www.swordsorcery.com/ravenloft/

3. Existuje Mailing List k Ravenloftu?

Yes ! To subscribe, just send an email to LISTSERV@ORACLE.WIZARDS.COM with: subscribe RAVENLOFT-L Your_Name_Here in the body of the message. The list is administered by Mark Graydon (Mortavius@shaw.ca). There are also several Monitors on the Ravenloft list, who help out with the day-to-day moderating of the list. If you have any queries, please forward them to one of the current Monitors:
  • Senior Monitor: Gomez (gomez@gryphonhill.com)
  • Monitor: James Dalton (reagulf@HOTMAIL.COM)
  • Monitor: Jonathan Philpot (jphilpot@dcr.net)
  • Alternate Monitor: Julien Smith (fatblackwoman@hotmail.com)
Also, all posts to the old Ravenloft mailing list are archived at: http://oracle.wizards.com/archives/ravenloft-l.html

4. Jak Ravenloft zapadá do Open Gaming License (OGL)?

Ravenloft is published under a special license between Wizards of the Coast and Arthaus and thus does not use the OGL at all. This means that Ravenloft products contain no OGL content that can be used in other OGL products. This also means that what other WotC books and products Ravenloft products can reference are quite different to the restrictions placed on other OGL products. In short ? do not assume that the rules that apply to other d20 publishers also apply to Ravenloft! That is the main reason that the FoS will not accept any d20 OGL material in our netbooks.
< VI. Ravenloft na netu >
V. Literatura na Netu VII: Bratrstvo stínů
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