
29.6.2011 10:24

I'm Khaki. Poland. RPG big fan.
I read cz pages using google translate.
I woudl like to play rpg in your country.
U can say i want to start RPG tourism: play and travel :D
I have a vblog www.gryfabularne.tv
I planning a trip to Česká republika amd i was wondering if there are any rpg players that might be interested in playing
Autorská citace #1
30.6.2011 10:55 - Nachtrose
Kind of interesting idea this "RPG tourism".
Autorská citace #2
30.6.2011 11:09 - Vojtěch
Looks interesting... Count me in :)
Autorská citace #3
30.6.2011 11:20 - Nachtrose
Does Dalava count for rpg tourism as well? ;-)
Autorská citace #4
30.6.2011 20:37 - Khaki

I wanted to go to GameCon but in the same time there is one con in Poland
Autorská citace #5
30.6.2011 22:10 - Colombo
So, screw the one in Poland:P
Autorská citace #6
30.6.2011 22:16 - Vojtěch
What about screwing both cons and making a grand moot on Śnieżka/Sněžka? :o)
Autorská citace #7
30.6.2011 22:23 - sirien
Sněžka is boring as hell.

Gamecon is pretty fun, one of the best in ČR, you should consider to come anyway :) Actually, the main organizer asked me about you personally and told me that I should invite you - does the main organizer of the con in Poland want you to come so much as Erric does? :)

eAnd also: Every autumn, usualy in September, we go to Dalava, it´s one cottage in South Czech, need to Český Krumlov. We will be happy to see you there :)
Autorská citace #8
30.6.2011 22:27 - Vojtěch
Of course it's boring when there are only tourists and no con people. Fun is generated by those.
Autorská citace #9
3.7.2011 00:53 - Khaki
@sirien - I cant crew Avangarda (Polish Con in Warszawa http://ava.waw.pl/ becouse i made a deal with them. I make movies and i can adwertise my summer rpg camp (www.debogorarpg.pl)

Say Hi to Erric i that i'm very terible sorry. Mayby other Con? U have more then one. Do You? Next year i will come to Gamecon.

Dalava - Great Idea. Write to my email allegrokhaki@gmail.com
Autorská citace #10
12.7.2011 14:29 - Sathel
Khaki: Hi, I am adding you to my Dalava mail list so expect our invitation to the happening in September/ October. It would be quite a long journey for you but trust me - it is worth the cost. Looking forward to seeing you there.
Autorská citace #11
15.7.2011 10:14 - Nachtrose
Talking about Dalava: still no date chosen? Would be nice to have something to build my schedule on.
Autorská citace #12
15.7.2011 15:00 - sirien
Yop. I can go just in September, because I wont be in CZ in October.

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