
30.5.2007 15:29
Epic Multiclassing
Ako je to s base save a attack bonusmi po 21 urovni?
Autorská citace #1
30.5.2007 15:33 - Cehli
ked je postava 22 lvl. barbar ma epic bonusy +1/+1 ale ak je napr. 21 lvl. barbar/1 lvl druid?Dostane tie iste bonusy? alebo inak 15lvl. rouge/5lvl. shadowdancer si da level na 15rouge/6shadowdancer dostane epic bonus ako na 21lvl alebo ako na normalnom 6lvl shadowdancerovi?
Autorská citace #2
30.5.2007 15:43 - Cehli
...jednoduchšie: su epicke base attaky a savy na character level alebo class level?
Autorská citace #3
30.5.2007 15:46 - Dalcor
tam jsem se nikdy nedostal takže bohužel nemůžu sloužit
Autorská citace #4
30.5.2007 16:16 - Cehli
ani ja, ja len študujem epic handbook a neviem z toho vyjsť...
Autorská citace #5
30.5.2007 17:37 - Fibriso
Adding a Second Class When a single-class epic character gains a level, he or she may choose to increase the level of his or her current class or pick up a new class at 1st level. The standard rules for multiclass characters still apply, but epic characters must keep in mind the rules for epic advancement. The epic character gains all the 1st-level class skills, weapon proficiency, armor proficiency, spells, and other class features of the new class, as well as a Hit Die of the appropriate type. In addition, the character gets the usual skill points from the new class. Just as with standard multiclassing, adding the second class does not confer some of the benefits for a 1st-level character, including maximum hit points from the first Hit Die, quadruple the per-level skill points, starting equipment, starting gold, or an animal companion. An epic character does not gain the base attack bonuses and base save bonuses normally gained when adding a second class. Instead, an epic character uses the epic attack bonus and epic save bonus progression shown on Table: Epic Save and Epic Attack Bonus. Whenever an epic character is allowed to pick up a feat as part of character level advancement, he or she can choose either a nonepic feat or an epic feat. All class descriptions provide a list of bonus feats that characters must choose from. When a character has to choose from a list of bonus feats in the second class, he or she can also choose from the bonus epic feats described for each specific class.
Autorská citace #6
30.5.2007 22:43 - Alnag
Stručně řečeno jde o tu část An epic character does not gain the base attack bonuses and base save bonuses normally gained when adding a second class. Instead an epic character uses the epic attack bonus and eic save bonus progression shown on Table: Epic Save and Epic Attack Bonus
Přeloženo do češtiny, jakmile jsi na 21. úrovni a dál, tak nepoužíváš to, co by ti dávalo nové povolání, ale to co najdeš v příslušné tabulce.
Autorská citace #7
31.5.2007 17:15 - Cehli
dikes uz som to pochopil

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